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The Music of Tim Clark

Have you admired the beautiful, ethereal music scores of ZBS Adventures? Have you also noticed that most of the music is composed by Tim Clark? As former composer-in-residence at both the Strasenburgh and McLaughlin Plantariums, Tim acquired the perfect background to write the celestial, soothing, and often haunting high-tech scores for ZBS’ classic productions of Ruby and Jack Flanders.

The music of MYTH includes pieces that were not part of these adventures, they are separate works created by Tim Clark. They include, “The Pharaoh Invites the Spacemen in for Tea,” “A New Hieroglyphic,” “At the Pyramid Ball,” “Afternoon Siesta in Lab #4” and more, nine pieces in total. So settle back, relax, and let your mind sail forth to be caressed by the galactic myths of the space gods.

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